6 Small Changes That Will Improve Your Life In 2021.

What's up everyone my name is AZIM. And I get this Question all the time on various social media comments page that How do I change my life to go from being tired all the time,not motivated,not passionate to being energized passionate and successful well. It's all about making small changes to your habit and routine that will push you forward and get you there ,It's not one major change It's not turning your life ups and down. it's multiple some changes when you make those 6 small adjustment and only then you will be able to reach your large goal.

 By the way If you're new here, Welcome my name is AZIM and it is my job to teach you everything I know about men's fashion,men's hair,fitness,dating advice and so much just ways to improve your life, That Words good for you then hit that newslatter subscribe button at the end of this post.

All right the first small change that you need to make and this one will have a massive impact of your life is 

  1. Improving Your Communication skills.

If you invest of few minutes a day to improving your communication skills this will happen you be better at holding a conversation with your friend and communicate your values in a much more meaningful way you will be able to speak up at work in a meeting or via email and express your thoughts and your feeling and ideas very clearly. You will be better at negotiating weather it's your salary A business deal or something as simple as location for your next date and yes that us considered a negotiation not to mention you make more friends feel more confident and comfortable in a group meeting I mean I could go on for days communication is key in everything that you do so invest time into reading and listening to audio books.

Learning new words talking in front of camera even if just for practice even if you are never gonna post it anywhere trust me it will change your life.  and nextup 

2.Spend Less Time On Your Phone.

I know about 70 to 80 percent of you are reading this on your phone right now, I get it but you're here learning something and that's okay but , What I mean here is spend less time at social media for no reasons.

It is so easy to get cought up in today's online world every time I unlock my phone screen there is always something new , a new email, new post from a friend and millions of new tweets. I mean I could refresh my apps every 30 seconds and there's new content right well that is not good when you have to get something done put your phone away . try it your best limit your time on your phone and watch as your productivity goes up.

3. Wake Up Earlier/Go To Bed Earlier

This is life changing habits you need to develop if you are gonna go to bed at midnight you are not getting up until 9 or 10 a.m. you are starting your day behind everyone else already all of those guys that woke up at 6 or 7 a.m. have been hustling for a few hours before you are even awake they are winning and they are leaving  you behind, you can do so much with those extra to two to three horse in the morning.

 next number 4 this is important

4.Change The Way You Talk To Yourself.

This might sound a little with corny but really think about this the way you talk to yourself mattress nobody can trust you like you own thoughts.

Your own thoughts matter more more than anything else because if you are constantly bringing yourself down having negative thoughts in having a negative mind set in general. Trust me there's is nothing that's going to be able to lift you up because inside that is all you hear negativity-negativity-negativity which means you are always going to be down there you are always going to be low nothing will be able to give you that passion, that energy, that positivity you need to succeed. 

You can do anything you have to set your mind I know that it sounds corny but it's true show the lesson is that when you catch yourself being negative torward yourself stop thatand say Hey! Stop saying that man you can't do this - you can do this go harder, I believe in myself let's get it done , remind yourself for your accomplishments. Even if they are small remind yourself of your goals of your family of the people that love you and move forward to number 5

5. Watch Less TV.

Netflix is fun and it's all fun and games until you got bills to pay and you haven't done anything so you have to get work done. I know there's a lot of online Entrepreneur out there that are like ,"you cannot watch Netflix" that is not what  I'm saying at all.
As a matter of fact I think you should just spend less time watching TV weather it's Netflix, HBO, even YouTube it does not matter anything that is entertainment dial it down a little bit take time and apply it somewhere else where you going to be productive and I will say things will also depend on where you are in your life,In your career sometimes you need a break , sometimes you need a weekend's Off sometimes you need to binge.

All of the lord of the rings and the harry potters, who knows? It's okay to take a break take a step back breathe and then start again the next day. 
My recommendation here is Switch from entertainment content to educational content that you're still learning things, you're still listening to someone that you're also semi-entertaining but you're also learning something new.
The next small change that you should make in your life is-

6. Workout In The Morning.

I feel like is overlooked man I swear this makes a huge difference. If you work all day from nine to five , you get off five six or seven o'clock and you are exhausted either mentally or physically depending in what you do.
I know , it nobody likes to work out at six or seven a.m. but as soon as you hit the you're like The pre- workout kicking in let's get this going and then you go to work , you perform well and then you get to go home and rest. 

The end 
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